牛至又名止痢草、土香薷、小叶薄荷,为唇形科牛至属多年生草本植物。主要分布于地中海地区至中亚、北非、北美及我国大部分地区,生于海拔500-3 600 m的山坡、路旁、灌丛、草地、林下。牛至味辛、性凉、无毒,全草可入药,具有清热解表、理气化湿倒尿消肿之功效。临床用于预防流感治疗黄疽、中暑、发热、呕吐、急性胃肠炎、腹痛等症,其散寒解表功用胜于薄荷。美国农业部的"植物化学和植物物种学"背景资料表明,牛至含有30多种抗菌化合物,是一种潜在的天然抗生素和药物生长促进剂。(中国进出口网)
Oregano is a perennial with rose-purple or white flowers and a taste reminiscent of thyme. Its taste is zesty and strong and is commonly used in Italian dishes. Oregano is a hardy plant and makes a good ground cover. Oregano loves the sun; ensure your placement has full, strong sun for strong flavor; some folks plant later in the season for assured warm weather. Allow oregano to grow to about 4 inches and then pinch or trim lightly to encourage a denser and bushier plant. For thin plants, plant 8 to 10 inches apart. The plants will grow 1 to 2 feet tall and spread about 18 inches.
牛至 oregano